Sunday, November 16, 2008

Book #90

by Roald Dahl

I've never read a Roald Dahl book, though I've admired the man's imagination and storytelling for years. So when I saw this one at a library sale, I grabbed it, and after I spent a full week reading a 650 page Stephen King tome, I thought it would be nice to read something short and fun.

It was: this is a great story, and I read it in a day. I love the way the Big Friendly Giant talks, and the way he and Sophie become friends, and how they conquer the big mean giants, and how they get to eat snozzcumbers forever while the BFG finally gets tasty food. But the best part of this is the idea that dreams are living things, that make sounds -- albeit the sounds are so quiet that only the BFG's enormous ears can detect them -- and that a big friendly giant collects those dreams and brings them to little kids. That was excellent. I'm very happy I read this, and I may need to go looking for more Roald Dahl.

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